Bumble Bee
Bumble Bee - is found inside volcanoes located in Indonesia. It activatesΒ Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras, enabling you to accept change, find new opportunities, increase your self-esteem and make decisions without relying on emotions.Β Bumble BeeΒ  is highly recommended for those...
Brazilian Agate
Brazilian Agate - is known for balancing your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies; it does this by cleansing and stabilizing your β€œaura”. Brazilian Agate improves your strength, courage, calmness and critical thinking ability; it promotes strength, courage, longevity, truth,...
Blue Topaz
Blue Topaz -Β can clear your throat chakra to consciously and clearly verbalize your desire to manifest. It helps to open your 3rd eye, stimulates visualization and attunes to your higher self. It is an excellent stone for meditation.
Bloodstone -Β grants you the mastery of renewal for your physical, mental and emotional bodies. It is a stone of β€œcourage” and the message from the bloodstone is to β€œbe here now”. Bloodstone is an excellent crystal to help you to...
Black Topaz
Β  Black Topaz -Β can be used to repel and protect against negativity. It provides for an increase in your physical vitality, emotional stability and mental alertness.
Black Agate
Black Agate -Β (Onyx) is good for transmutation of energies; it helps with the emotion of acceptance, has a stabilizing effect on your mind and helps with physical endurance. Black Agate relieves and removes energy blockages within the emotional and physical...
Beryl -Β is a stone that enhances courage, relieves stress and calm the mind. It encourages a positive view, attracts love creating space to enjoy life and living. It clears the mind and cleanses the heart chakra, opening it to receive...
Bronzite -Β promotes certainty and control, encourages you to take control over your own actions and enables you to be sure about what it is that you want in your life.Β This stone helps you to find stillness inside, as it brings...
Blue Agate
Blue Agate -Β is a variegated glass of Chalcedony; its name comes from the Achetes River in Sicily, where Agates were first found. Agate provides a balancing of yin-yang energies, and aligns your physical, emotional and intellectual bodies. It stabilizes your...
Buddha - invites a peaceful, calm and contemplative energy. He brings a sense of balance into your life, giving oneself knowledge, compassion, meditation, and wisdom as a symbol of enlightenment.
Brandberg Crystals -Β come from Damaraland in Namibia, considered a mystical area. They can have inclusions of Smokey, Amethyst, or Hematite and is considered to be a wonderful tool in finding harmony and balance, amplifying energy. It is considered a powerful...
Botswana Agate
Botswana Agate - enhances creativity and helps you to release the emotional nuances that have been repressed; it also allows you to look toward the solution, rather then dwell the problem. It stimulates the crown chakra and energizes the auric...